Category: Facilitation

Web3 Educational Project in Italy

Context The vision for a resilient digital ecosystem in our society needs continuous training and experimentation. Education in schools is the backbone where that vision needs to thrive. In a High-School in Lecce, Italy, there is a community …

Sense-making Researcher and Workshop Designer

Context In April 2020, with the Covid-19 outbreak, a fauna of networks started popping up to benefit from a collective intelligence approach to systemic challenges. Platform Design Toolkit and its Boundaryless team is the natural extension of my …

Hand-washing Innovation Sprint Event

Context At  the  ‘Handwashing  Innovation   Sprint  Event’  in  London,  I  joined  an  expert  panel  to  tackle  a  social  innovation  challenge:  infectious  diseases  due  to  a   lack  of  handwashing  cause  40%  of  deaths  that  occur  in  humanitarian …

InnovationLabs.Berlin – Facilitator

Context In a project-based collaboration with InnovationLabs.Berlin, I supported Digital Transformation for a client by collaborating with the Project Lead and the Subject Matter Expert. Design Challenge In a fast-pace Design Spring day 6 teams of ten people …

Design Thinking in a Nutshell – Berlin

Context In collaboration with an Innovation Consultancy agency in Berlin, I supported the final steps to deliver and to hone the workshop planning and outcomes for one of their client. Design Challenge 12 engineers sought new style potential …